CSR and its importance for companies
The need has arisen for companies to develop awareness of how their practice repercusses on society and the environment. Corporative social responsibility (CSR) is now not only a commercial practice but what the consumer demands.
What is corporative social responsibility?
CSR is defined as much by the culture as by the strategy and business policy that companies must uphold in order to have a positive impact on the environment. The CSR policy describes how a company is responsible to itself, its staff and interested parties, its customers and its local and global surroundings. Implementing a CSR policy does more than help the environment and society, it also reflects on the company’s reputation.
On becoming more socially aware people choose to give priority to those companies that focus on social responsibiity. That said, all companies should attempt to seek a balance between economic results, social development and environmental impact which is attainable through the implementation of corporative social responsibility policies and which make companies sustainably profitable.

How can we help?
The Ona Futura Foundation is a state organism founded with a view to help companies in the tourism sector introduce into their company policy the Corporative Social Responsibility which actively transforms the sector and makes it envoronmentally sustainable and more socially responsible.
To this end we, with our professionals and expertise, support companies of all sizes and guide them towards sustainability. Our firm belief in what we do as a foundation is seen in the priority we give to projects and benefit-based objectives. Any profit we make is invested in our sustainability as a company in order to continue helping and achieve our ultímate goal of seeing a tourism sector making a positive impact on the environment.

Wide experience in the business world | The Clients | Reasonable prices |
We are not just any advisors, we know how companies function and we work through objectives. We understand needs and provide answers. We seek a balance between results, people and the environment. | The clients and their declarations vouch for us. From them we have received excellent feedback. | As a foundation our structural expenses are mínimum and we have access to greater financing sources than prívate companies. This allows us to offer reasonable prices and adjust to the needs of each company. |
Here are three reasons for you to contact us if you feel attracted by our position and would like to take an active part in the change within our sector.